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Cheyenne (on the left) is getting along really well in her new home with her new friend.


Update on Bud (Canute). We just absolutely adore him!! He is such a well behaved dog and learns things so quickly. Amber, I cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciate the time you all put into training him, it really shows!! He is just a delight! He's our little shadow and snuggle bug :-) I feel thankful everyday that we get to be his forever home and I just can't believe people passed him up b/c they really missed out!! Although that worked for us :-) So, in case you were ever wondering how he was doing, he's doing wonderfully!! He and Pete love to wrestle and play with each other and I think he's actually teaching Pete a lot of good stuff! We can't imagine life without him! Thank you again for taking such good care of him and know that we are loving him to pieces everyday :-)

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