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There are two options for low cost spay and neuters. 

And one option for almost free spay/neuter if you are low income.

See information on all three below:

Oklahoma Humane Society has moved to a new larger location.  They will be able to do more spays and neuters! The larger space is located at 4301 Will Rogers Parkway in Oklahoma City, OK. If you are interested in a lower cost spay and neuter see more information on their website at this link.

Canine Spay | $95
Canine Neuter | $85
Feline Spay | $65
Feline Neuter | $55


Low cost spay and neuter services are also available at GetFixedOK in Tuttle, OK.
Dr. Wendy Howard provides exceptional care to every animal that comes through her clinic. Even though they are a high volume spay and neuter clinic, GetFixedOK prides itself on high quality care for all of its patients.
Visit their website to schedule your appointment.
Canine Spay or Neuter:
2-49 lbs $55
50-69 lbs $65
70-89 lbs $80
90 and up $100
Feline Spay or Neuter: $45


Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association program:

There is a spay and neuter assistance program for people that are on a fixed income/ low income and meet the qualifications which are listed on the application.
There is a participating vet just 2 miles from Clinton!! There is also a veterinarian in Weatherford, Hobart and Frederick, Oklahoma that participate. If you qualify they will send you a list of vets in your area who participate in the program. You will have to pay $10.00 to the veterinarian and if your pet is not current on rabies it's an additional $5.00. Total cost for spay/neuter $15!!!!!!
Applicants can complete an application form found at the link below. You must fill out and send in the form.


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290 W Commerce •  Clinton, OK 73601  •  (877) 653-3527 •  okfflas [ at ]